February News from LES
Feb 4 | PTO 6:00 |
Feb 7 | Student Make-up Day |
Feb 10 | Donut Fundraiser Begins |
Feb 12 | Progress Reports |
Feb 14 | Valentine’s Day |
Feb 19 | Class Picture Day |
Feb 17 | Montessori Ed Week |
Feb 24-28 | Intercession Break |
Mar 3 | Donut Orders Due |
Mar 3 | Dr. Seuss Week Begins |
Mar 6 | Donut Pick Up 6:30-8:00 am |
Black History Month is a time when the contributions and achievements of African- American people are celebrated and studied in schools and libraries across the nation. Students study prominent African-American leaders and the history of the civil rights movement. If you want to help your child learn more about Black History, click HERE to visit a website full of fun activities.
During the week of February 17, we will be celebrating Montessori Education Week. We have some fun activities planned for our students. The students will also be learning more about the history of Montessori.

On Thursday, January 23, school was cancelled due to the weather. The 5 allotted eLearning days have been used, so this day will have to be made up. We originally scheduled a teacher work day on Friday, February 7. This has been cancelled. Students will have a regular school day on Friday, February 7. Please make sure you are prepared to send your child to school on this day. Thank you for helping your child be successful at LES!
We are excited to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday the week of March 3-7 with these dress up days!
Mon: Wear Your Favorite Color: Celebrating the book My Many Colored Days
Tues: Wear red, white, and blue celebrating your right to read
Wed: Wacky Tacky Day: wear your wackiest things to celebrate Wacky Wednesday
Thurs: School Pride Day: wear green and gold to celebrate the book, Green Eggs and Ham
Fri: Topper Day: wear some type of head gear or hat celebrating the book, The Cat in the Hat.
Yearbooks are $30. If you would like to get a yearbook, please send your payment to school in an envelope labeled with your child’s name and teacher. You can no longer purchase a yearbook online. We will have a limited number of extras, so please don’t delay in sending in your order.

Donut order forms will go home on Monday, February 10. Orders and money are due Monday, March 3. Order pick up will be Thursday, March 6 at the Latta Recreation Center from 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. We will still have the BOGO cards available! Each card costs $20 and is redeemable up to 10 times for 1 FREE dozen original glazed doughnuts with the purchase of any dozen. The card never expires! Funds raised through the donut sale will be used to support field trips and purchase classroom materials.
Fundraiser Incentives: The top selling classes in Primary Montessori, Lower Elementary Montessori and 4th grade will be rewarded with an ice cream party and extra recess. The top 2 individual sellers will receive a $100 Walmart shopping spree with Mrs. Dollie! Thank you for helping support this fundraiser for our school!
Don’t miss our February PTO meeting! Students will be presenting lessons to all the parents who attend on February 4 at 6:00 pm. This is a great way to really see what your child has been doing in the classroom. It will also help you understand those math lessons that they talk about at home. Parents of fourth and fifth grade students will get information on test taking that will be helpful to students. Every child that comes will also receive a free book of their choosing. We can’t wait to see you on Tuesday, February 4 at 6:00 pm!
You should soon receive a sign-up sheet from your child’s teacher about parent observations. We are so excited to have our parents in the building to see what we are doing in the classrooms. There are some special protocols that we will be following to keep everyone safe and healthy. Please follow the directions from your child’s teacher, so these observations can be successful!
Every student will take a picture with their class on Wednesday, February 19. Order forms will be sent home soon, so please check your child’s folder daily. If you would like to purchase a class picture, please complete the order form and send it back to school. You can also order online by using the link on the order form.
We need your help with morning drop off! We have created two drop off lines in the morning. Beginning at 7:30, both lines are open. If you are dropping off ONLY students in grades 3-5, please use the back bus loop. If you are dropping off any student in grades 4K-2nd, please use the front loop. Please drop students off in enough time to be seated and ready to learn by 8:00. If you arrive to school at 8:00, you will be required to park and walk your child into the building to sign them in at the front desk. Thank you for getting your child to school on time!
With our new school calendar comes a short break in February. Please take this time to relax together as a family, but don’t forget to read every day! Here are a few suggestions to help keep your child school-ready over the break:
Family board game night – helps kids develop organization and learn how to plan, problem solve, and persevere!
Clean out backpacks and reorganize your homework zone
Set goals – talk about what you want your child to achieve when they get back to school
This is just a reminder that we do serve breakfast for every child for free at school. If you choose to provide an item, we prefer that the child finish their breakfast prior to arriving at school. Anything brought to the classroom will have to be finished by 8:00, so that instruction can begin.

Under Federal law, all children with disabilities, birth through twenty-one years of age must be identified and evaluated using specific “Child Find” activities to locate any child with a disability who is not currently receiving services.
Dillon District Three (Latta Schools) provides specialized services to children who live within the school attendance zone and meet eligibility requirements set forth by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Dillon District Three (Latta Schools). These requirements may differ from those of institutions providing similar services (i.e. private therapy).
The disabilities eligible for services in our district are developmental delay, intellectual disability, specific learning disability, emotional disability, speech or language impairment, deaf and hard of hearing, deaf-blindness, visual impairment, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, traumatic brain injury, autism, and multiple disabilities.
If you are aware of any child with disabilities not attending public school or any pre-school child who might be disabled, you may contact Kelly Sellers, Director of Exceptional Children or Rachael Coker, School Psychologist, at Dillon School District Three (Latta Schools) at 843-752-7101. All referral sources will remain confidential.
The next formal “Child Find” screenings will be held Friday, February 7, 2025, from 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. at Latta Elementary School. To schedule an appointment for this screening date, please contact Rachael Coker at 843-752-7101.