The Latta School District celebrated Veterans Day to honor veterans in our community. Latta Elementary School fourth grade students kicked the week off with a spectacular performance at their Veterans Day program in the Ellis Performing Arts Center on Monday, November 11. Under the direction of Becky Coleman, the students sang many selections including songs about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. There were many veterans in the audience who were recognized for their service and given a small token of appreciation. The Latta Middle School and Latta High School dance classes held their dance showcases on November 14 and 15 centered around the theme “Honoring Their Courage.” During both performances, veterans were recognized based on the branch of military they served in. Their performances moved many to tears with their expressive movement and heartfelt musical selections. Students have studied about courage, commitment, and service of all those who served and continue to serve to protect the freedoms that we have. All of the dance classes in grades 6-12 completed an honor walk on November 11 carrying weight and flags signifying the weight that our veterans have carried and continue to carry. Each school also had fantastic flag displays on their campuses. Latta Elementary School included a Veteran trail on their front loop with pictures of service men and women who have fought for our freedom.

Latta School District Honors Veterans
December 2, 2024