Winter Weather Advisory

All Latta Schools will have an eLearning Day Wednesday, January 22 due to the forecasted wintry weather.

Please review the eLearning Day Expectations below:

eLearning Day Expectations:

  • Students, school employees, and district employees will work from home. Supervisors will coordinate work assignments for their departments.

  • Assignments are required to be turned in within FIVE SCHOOL DAYS.

    • Each student who turns in assignments on time will be marked present.

    • Those students that do not will be marked UNEXCUSED.

  • Students in grades K-8 should plan for 5.5 hours of work time.

  • Students in grades 9-12 should plan for 6 hours of work time.

  • Parents are expected to read the information sent home. Students will have access to all assignments.

  • Teachers will be available to students and parents during normal school hours.

  • Students receiving assignments through Google Classroom can contact teachers through Google Classroom.