Collage of Latta classrooms

Latta was proud to host State Superintendent Ellen Weaver on her recent visit, February 18, 2025. This visit allowed our educators and students to showcase all the different programs we have in our district. Superintendent Weaver began her tour at Latta High School where she visited a Computer Integrated Manufacturing class and our Agricultural Greenhouses where she was able to engage with students and staff.

State Superintendent and LHS teacherLHS Agriculture Greenhouse and studentsShe then visited Latta Middle School where she was led on a guided tour of the campus by the Student Council President and Vice President, Majoria Wheeler and Landon Gasque. She was able to visit the Project Lead the Way: Automation and Robotics class, as well as a sixth grade math class. This allowed her to see first hand the diverse programing Latta is putting in place to help mold students' learning experiences.

State Superintendent Weaver in Automation and Robotics ClassroomState Superintendent in 6th grade math class at LMSSuperintendent Weaver ended her tour at the Elementary School where she was able to tour a Montessori classroom and interacted with some of our youngest patrons. She was also able to have a roundtable with some of our teachers. They discussed LETRS, math instruction, and multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). This allowed our teachers an opportunity to voice their celebrations and concerns in an open discussion where what they had to say was heard and valued.State Superintendent Weaver and Montessori StudentState Superintendent Weaver with LES TeachersWe appreciate Superintendent Weaver taking the time to visit and see what makes our schools so special. We look forward to another visit to rural South Carolina in the near future, but in the meantime, our staff and students will continue to strive to excellence as always.