Daily Announcements


March 7, 2025


The Academic Challenge team will compete at Lander University on today, March 7th for State.


Conditioning for the 2025 Volleyball Season has begun. If you are currently in 7th - 11th grade, have a physical on file, plan to try out for volleyball next season, and are not participating in any other sport, you may attend our second conditioning March 10th at 3:45 - 4:45 in the LHS gym.


Attendance Recovery has begun!


IB applications are due next Friday, March 14th.  See Mrs. Berry if you have questions.


The FCA retreat is March 28th – 30th.  Registration is open now and is online.  See a leadership member for more information.


Prom is Friday, April 11th.  Prom tickets are on sale.  Please see Mrs. Grissett in the front office to purchase your ticket.   Remember all fees have to be paid before a ticket can be purchased.  Prices are as follows:


   March 3rd - March 31st   ($50 ticket)

   April 1st - Wed., April 9th   ($60 ticket)


High School Graduate or Out of District Date(Guest) forms for Prom 2025 may now be picked up from the front office.  Please read this form closely!  There is a deadline that has to be meet, March 21st.  Again, please read form!!!  No ticket can be purchase for Out of Date/High School Graduate until date is approved!


The Prom dress closet is open for anyone wanting to come look at prom gowns.  We also have a tuxedo, if there is a male that would like to come and try it on.  See Nurse Mace for details.


Mrs. Oxendine will be available during IPASS and after school on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for Spanish Program Practice until 4:15.  The rehearsals will last until March 26th.


Seniors: Please check your Class Of.  It’s that season…Scholarships.  Be sure to watch the video and check out the scholarship website which is now posted on your Google Class Of.  If you have any questions, be sure to ask Mrs. Blanchard during lunch.


Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend.  Don’t forget to turn your clocks up one hour before you go to bed Saturday night.