The Latta School District would like to thank Kwame Hennagan for his years of dedicated service and invaluable contributions to the Latta School Board. His commitment to the success and well-being of our students and community has and will continue to make a lasting impact. We deeply appreciate his time, dedication, leadership and all the work he's done to make a difference. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors!
We would also like to welcome aboard Daniel Shawn Myers. Daniel Myers, also called Shawn, is a Licensed Practical Nurse and Program Director for the Medication Assisted Treatment and Substance Use Disorder at CareSouth Carolina. Daniel is also the Director for Rural Communities Opioid Response Program Consortium (RCORP). He is the Program Director for the RCORP Implementation Grant for CareSouth Carolina. Daniel is a Dillon County native and has clinical medical experience in the rural health care settings of the Pee Dee region. Daniel received his nursing education from the Marion County School of Practical Nursing.
He is a veteran of the United States Air Force after serving for 3 years Active and 6 years Reserve, as well as former law enforcement. Daniel is a very active, dedicated community leader and mentor who effectively inspires everyone through his leadership, compassion, and laughter. Pastor Shawn, as he is affectionately called, is Pastor of Community Worship Center in Latta and is a loving husband to his wife Stephanie, father, and grandfather. Daniel is a role model to many young men in the local schools.
In his spare time, Daniel loves to read, is a lifelong learner, is active in his local community, and likes to teach others on health and wellness. He has presented on numerous forums including men’s health, minority health, and drugs and alcohol. He is Program Director of one of the largest and most successful Medication Assisted Treatment drug programs in the state and nation. Daniel loves his community and is always willing to do what he can to make it a better place for our children.
Mr. Myers was sworn in at our February Board meeting and we are looking forward to a great journey as we continue to strive for excellence in our district.