March News from LES
Mar 3 | Doughnut Money Due |
Mar 3 | Dr. Seuss Week Begins |
Mar 9 | Daylight Savings – Spring FORWARD 1 hour |
Mar 10 | New 4K/5K Registration Begins |
Mar 11 | Spring Pictures |
Mar 13 | Living Wax Museum – 4th Graders |
Mar 14 | Dr. Seuss Parade 9:00 (4K/5K) |
Mar 14 | Parade of Nations 9:20 (1st, 2nd, 3rd) |
Mar 18 | 135th Day of School |
Mar 18 | 4K/5K Field Trip |
Mar 19 | 4K/5K Field Trip |
Mar 20 | Career Fair – 5th Graders |
Mar 25 | Report Cards |
Mar 27 | Parent Conferences 4-6 |
Mar 28 | Teacher Work Day – No School for Students |
April 14 | Spring Break Begins |

Our Cat in the Hat parade will be Friday, March 14 at 9:00 around the high school football field. Each child in Primary Montessori (4K & 5K) needs to make a hat at home with a Dr. Seuss theme! The easiest way to make one is to start with a hat that already fits your child’s head and add decorations to it. Please send your child’s hat to school by March 10 to be judged. Winners will be chosen and announced at the parade! Each winner will receive a Dr. Seuss book!
We are excited to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday the week of March 3-7 with these dress up days!
Mon: Wear Your Favorite Color: Celebrating the book My Many Colored Days
Tues: Wear red, white, and blue celebrating your right to read
Wed: Wacky Tacky Day: wear your wackiest things to celebrate Wacky Wednesday
Thurs: School Pride Day: wear green and gold to celebrate the book, Green Eggs and Ham
Fri: Topper Day: wear some type of head gear or hat celebrating the book, The Cat in the Hat.

Our first through third graders have been learning about countries all over the world. Please join us on Friday, March 14 to see all the countries parade around the high school football field immediately following the Cat in the Hat Parade (approximately 9:20). Our students and staff have worked very hard to create artifacts and representations of these countries. Hope you can join us!
Spring pictures will be taken on Tuesday, March 11. This picture day is pre-order only, so students must send payment or pay online on or before March 11. Pictures can be purchased by returning the completed flyer with payment to your child’s teacher. You can also purchase pictures online. Green screens will be used, so please DO NOT wear green on picture day. Each child that is photographed will receive a QR code that can be used to view their picture.
Yearbooks are $30. If you would like to get a yearbook, please send your payment to school in an envelope labeled with your child’s name and teacher. You can no longer purchase a yearbook online. We will have a limited number of extras, so please don’t delay in sending in your order.

Report cards will go home on Tuesday, March 25. Teachers will be available for conferences the evening of Thursday, March 27 from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. If your child’s teacher has requested a conference, please make every effort to attend. If you would like to set up a conference with your child’s teacher, please send a note to your child’s teacher or call during his/her planning period.
For Black History Month, each 4th grade student researched a famous African American who had an impact on others. These individuals included Civil Rights leaders, actors, musicians, athletes, inventors, and more. After each student conducted research, they put their information together in a presentation, adding in images to make the presentation eye-catching. As a follow-up to the Black History Project, our 4th graders are participating in a Living Wax Museum on Thursday, March 13 from 12:30-1:30 in the gym. Parents of 4th grade students who are presenting are invited to attend at this time. Each participating student will dress as their chosen African American or the spouse of that individual. Students will stand next to their presentations as a wax figure. We hope that everyone will enjoy observing the presentations and costumes, while learning interesting facts about people who have helped shape America into the vibrant, diverse country that it is today.

Registration for new 4K and 5K students for the 2025-2026 school year is the week of March 10-14. Children who turn 4 on or before September 1, 2025 are eligible to attend 4-year old kindergarten. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2025 and are NOT currently enrolled in school are eligible to attend 5-year old kindergarten.
Registration will be held in the main office:
Monday - Friday: 8:30am-3:30 pm
All of the following documentation will need to be presented for each student at the time of registration:
Official Birth Certificate (long form)
Social Security Card
Current Immunization Record
Medicaid Card
2 proofs of residency that you reside within the Latta School District (current electric, water or land line phone bills, Driver’s license, property tax notice)
Your child will not be officially registered until ALL required documents have been received.
Donut order forms went home on February 10. Orders and money are due Monday, March 3. Order pick up will be Thursday, March 6 at the Latta Recreation Center from 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. We will still have the BOGO cards available! Each card costs $20 and is redeemable up to 10 times for 1 FREE dozen original glazed doughnuts with the purchase of any dozen. The card never expires! Funds raised through the donut sale will be used to support field trips and purchase classroom materials.
Fundraiser Incentives: The top selling classes in Primary Montessori, Lower Elementary Montessori, 4th and 5th grade will be rewarded with an ice cream party and extra recess. The top 2 individual sellers will receive a $100 Walmart shopping spree with Mrs. Dollie! Thank you for helping support this fundraiser for our school!

Our 5th grade students have been learning all about careers in guidance with Mrs. Leigh. They took an interest inventory to get ideas for their own personal career project. After researching the project, each student created an information slide. On Thursday, March 20, students will present their project. 5th graders can dress up as their chosen career and show off their hard work to 1st-4th graders. Parents are invited to see their presentations from 8:30-9:00. The students are so excited to show what they have learned, so we hope to see you on March 20 at 8:30!

When picking up car riders, please make sure your car tag is visible until the children are in your vehicle. If you do not have a car tag, plan to pick your child up in the office between 2:45-2:55 pm.
If you are signing a student out early, please do so before 2:00 pm unless you have been called by the school nurse. If you know ahead of time that your child will be checked out early, please send a note. This will help the teacher be prepared to send your child home early. You will also need to sign your child out in the office. Please do not take your child from the school without alerting the office staff and signing them out on the clipboard at the front desk.