LMS Announcements
Important Upcoming Dates
Nov. 4 - LES Fall Festival
Nov. 5 - Election Day (No School)
Nov. 7 - Cross Country Region Meet
Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day
Nov. 11-15 - Patriotism Week
Nov. 12 - Student Council Meeting
Nov. 14 - 8th Grade Tour of Vocational Center
Nov. 14 - Makeup Picture Day
Nov. 14 & 15 - Dance Showcase @ 6:30PM
Nov. 18-22 - American Education Week
Nov. 20 - Progress Reports
Nov. 21 - LMS Band Concert @ 6:30PM
Nov. 27-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2: Middle School Basketball Season begins
December 2-6: Classroom Spelling Bees
December 2-20: FIFTEEN Days of Christmas at LMS (calendar attached)
December 3: A Charlie Brown Dress Rehearsal 8:15-12:30
December 3: Rotary Club Visit at 12:00 in the Media Center (Student Council led)
December 5-7: A Charlie Brown Christmas Production (7:00 on December 5 and 6, 3:00 on December 7)
December 6: Latta Christmas Parade
December 11: Grade Level Spelling Bee
December 18: Schoolwide Spelling Bee Contest - 1:00 in the EPAC
December 20: Half-Day - noon dismissal
December 21-January 5: Winter Break
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
There is a FCA meeting every Thursday for 6th-8th grade students at 7:40 in the LHS Gym.
2024-2025 LMS Yearbooks
The 2024-2025 Latta Middle School Yearbook is now on sale! Standard yearbooks are $40.00. To get the best deal, order a personalized yearbook for $49.00 by 9/27/2024 and receive FREE icons. Any yearbook orders made after 9/27/2024, icons will be $5.00 each. Order in school by submitting this order form and money (cash or check) to your homeroom teacher. Checks must be made out to Latta Middle School. Or order online at Jostents Yearbook.
Contact Mrs. Cristin Britt with any questions.
Email Mrs. Cristin Britt
(843) 752-7117
Athletic Event Expectations
Reminder: Students who attend the middle school must be accompanied by an adult when attending any athletic events/games.
School Report Card
To view the school report card, please click SC Report Cards.
The administration, faculty, and staff of LMS encourage parent support and involvement in your child’s education. You have a significant impact on the education your child receives and your participation will encourage a feeling of partnership among your child, the school, and you. Communication between the home and school is vital.
If you have announcements you would like to add to this page, please contact Cristin Langley Britt at Email Cristin Langley Britt.